Sunday, August 26, 2007

Off parties

I'm having a weary, apathetic, misanthropic sort of weekend.

Last night, there were two parties I'd been invited to, and two (at least two!) gigs I fancied going to.

However, the party hosts had both neglected to confirm the details to me, or to send me their addresses - which kind of made me feel that I wasn't exactly at the top of the guest list. And in each case - having only been to their apartments once or twice previously, a long, long time ago, and recalling only vaguely what area they were in, recalling principally that they were bloody difficult to find - I had no confidence that I would be able to find my way there unless I hooked up with someone more familiar with the location beforehand. And I wasn't able to do that, although I did try.

To be honest, I somehow just wasn't in a party mood. The gigs were much more appealing.

But.... well, the one out at Kolegas was only advertised in one of the three expat listings magazines, so I wasn't entirely sure it would actually be going ahead. And it is quite a long way away over on the east side of town. My guitar-playing buddies Dan & Nico, on the other hand, were playing in my neighbourhood. But I've seen them so many times now. Actually, I've seen them twice already this week!

So, at the end of the day, inertia won out. I stayed home with a DVD, fell asleep on my "man-eating sofa" before the end of it; retired to bed before midnight, didn't get up until nearly noon today.

I guess I was just too darned tired to be going out anywhere this weekend. I've only been back in the country 10 days; half of those have required full-time attendance at the dratted office; and a couple of the 'off days' were interrupted by voice recording engagements. The continual sultry weather saps the energy and the very will to live. I've endured two nights of very little sleep, one night of no sleep at all, and have slept very poorly on most of the others.

This weekend I really can't be bothered to do anything, except noodle around on the computer, watch DVDs, and SLEEEEP.

Am I really off parties? Well, just for the moment. I doubt if it will last.

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