Monday, September 03, 2007

A bon mot on drinking & gambling

"It's like gambling, somehow. You go out for a night of drinking and you don't know where you're going to end up the next day. It could work out good, or it could be disastrous. It's like a throw of the dice."

Jim Morrison (1943-1971)


Anonymous said...

Hmm...this one is calling up quite a variety of memories...or "almost" memories. Most remarkbly starting an evening at 4:30 in the VIP penthouse restaurant of the Bellagio casino in Las vegas, and ending up in a speed boat on Lake Mead at 7:00am the next morning. Same clothes, some of the same business associates but...a lot of questions....

Froog said...

Wow, what an exotic life you lead, Weasley.

Most of us never get as far as a "VIP penthouse restaurant", or even Vegas. And that is your starting point. I am in awe.

Anonymous said...

The contrast from my current life is what makes it so fun to recall exotic adventures. I'm not so sure how much "awe" is inspired by raising my daughters in a ranch house in a small town. drinking local beer and cleaning up after my cats. THIS is the life I love. (oddly, however, the same associates who accompanied me in Las Vegas have just arranged for me to consult for them at an NYC conference in a month - and I was warned that it would entail significant use of the expense more stories may be in the making...)