Monday, February 02, 2009

Messing with the clock

My flirtation with abstinence got badly derailed in the second half of January. I think there were only 3 or 4 days (perhaps 5) out of the last 14 that I didn't drink, although - by my egregious standards - I have only been drinking very moderately.

Today, however, I definitively fell off the wagon with a mighty great thump. I got up before dawn to watch the Super Bowl, and was of course completely wrecked before noon.

It's one of my
"theories" that daytime drinking counts double; it's approximately twice as intoxicating as drinking in the evening (I don't know whether it's something to do with body chemistry, or purely a psychological thing deriving from the fact that we are less used to it... or find it more exhilaratingly naughty). Morning drinking, especially early morning drinking, counts treble.

I tried to freshen myself up a bit by walking home (a good eight miles or so), but..... well, I crashed out almost as soon as I got home in the mid-afternoon, and when I was awoken by the buzzing of my mobile phone at around 8.30 or 9, I was for a moment quite convinced that I was late for work tomorrow morning. Oh dear.

Don't try this at home, children.

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