Thursday, February 19, 2009

Midday drinking?

My regular leader-astray, The Choirboy, currently (like so many of us!) between jobs, had suggested some consolatory daytime indulgence this lunchtime.

As I have mentioned before, I rarely indulge in daytime drinking - but when I do, I rather enjoy it, because I actually find it possible to get drunk. My physiological and psychological adaptation to drinking at night is far too robust; but daytime drinking counts double, it enables me to exceed my limits and get into the happy floaty zone relatively easily.

So, having nothing else on this week, I had been rather looking forward to this interlude of irresponsible hedonism in the middle of the day.

And you know what? The bugger digs up a freelance assignment from somewhere and cancels on me.

So, once again I must content myself with the more purely intellectual pleasure of reading, & co.

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